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Secondary quests

Scrolls generic icon letter Contrat sur les chiens

Je paierai un bon prix pour l'élimination de chiens errants. Comme preuve de leur extermination, je demande 6 pots de suif de chien.

Le fossoyeur. Vous me trouverez près de l'entrée du cimetière.


pot de suif de chien pot de suif de chien pot de suif de chien pot de suif de chien pot de suif de chien pot de suif de chien

Pour éliminier les chiens errants du quartier, le fossoyeur offre une belle récompense à quiconque peut lui apporter six pots de suif de chien comme preuve de les avoir tués. Pourvu que notre sorceleur a très peu de fric, que faire ?

The kindest way to get the suif de chien is to search containers and Salamandre remains for it because, in the course of the game no dogs attack you. If you just can't be patient, at night, because locations are considered "dangerous", you can draw your weapon. Good-bye little puppies :(

If you don't believe in killing innocent canines, there are some alternatives. Searching for containers of it does work. You'll find them in many places, if not always reliably. Also, at night sometimes you will be attacked, either by noctules or by roving Salamandre thugs. If the noctules or Salamandre are near dogs, they usually get killed (try to lure them towards any nearby dogs as you fight. They might get whacked, then you didn't kill them, right?).


  • Voir aussi la traduction du guide « Gamepressure »
  • There is usually some suif de chien here and there if you search all premises and remains thoroughly, but you may be forced to wait until Act III to complete this contract. A few known places are:
  • Le suif de chien also functions as a top quality base (5 ingredient slots) for enduits despite the in-game description.


Dog Tallow

The gravedigger wants to exterminate all of Vizima's stray dogs. He'll pay for six pots of dog tallow. I need to collect six pots of dog tallow for the gravedigger.


I have six pots of dog tallow. I should see the gravedigger. I should see the gravedigger and claim my reward. (500 XP)


The gravedigger paid me for the dog tallow, but dog catching is not my idea of a pleasant pursuit. I received my reward for the dog tallow. (100 orin(s) + 2000 XP)

Les détails terminent ici.

cs:Wyzimský pohodný es:El contrato de los perros hu:Vizima sintére ru:контракт на собаколов