Sorceleur Wiki
Yaevinn, an elven member of Scoia'tael

squirrel puff

The Scoia'tael are non-human guerillas also known as the Squirrels, likely due to their habit of attaching squirrel puffs to their caps or other parts of clothing, but other theories suggest it is because they live in the woods and subsist on nuts. They fought against all humans in the Northern Kingdoms, because of racism and discrimination of non-humans. Most of the Squirrels were elves, but some of them were halflings and dwarves. Scoia'tael were divided into commandos (considered to be a gnomish term) comprised of several or a dozen fighters. Bigger commandos were rare and formed only during battles or for special tasks (e.g. during the Thanedd Coup). The best known formation was the Vrihedd Brigade, commanded by Isengrim Faoiltiarna, which used silver lightning bolts as its symbol. Scoia'tael were allied with Nilfgaard and used by Emperor Emhyr var Emreis for diversion, as well as support for the Nilfgaardian army. In exchange for their support, Emperor Emhyr var Emreis gave the elves Dol Blathanna as their own, independent state, and made Enid an Gleanna its queen.

Notable Scoia'tael

Dans The Witcher


Glossaire Scoia'tael

Les Scoia'tael sont un groupe d'elfes et de nains rebelles qui luttent contre la discrimination envers les non-humains. Ils sont organisés en commandos ou en groupes indépendants. Leur révolte contre le racisme est rapidement devenue très radicale. Les Scoia'tael détroussent les caravanes des marchands et investissent les villages pour piller, tuer et incendier. Au lieu de chercher une solution pacifique, les humains envoient la troupe pour les combattre. Scoia'tael veut dire "écureuil" en langue elfique. Ce nom vient probablement de l'habitude des rebelles d'accrocher des queues d'écureuil : nuage d'écureuil sur leurs vêtements.

Selon l'auteur du livre " Les conséquences de la guerre", Les Scoia'tael s'inspirent de Nilfgaard et d'autres forces. Les chefs de la révolte des non-humains, aveugles ou manipulés, envoient leurs hommes vers une mort certaine. L'auteur prétend également que les guerres entre humains et non-humains ne cesseront jamais, car l'hostilité est trop forte entre les deux races. D'après lui, les elfes sont voués à l'extinction.


Toruviel Elfe chasseresse Scoia'tael Chireadan magicienne elfe


Ingrédient de valeur


  • Zoltan Chivay is in the Outskirts in order to meet a Scoia'tael friend of his by the name of Hoog. It's possible that Haren Brogg sold him out to the guards, though.
  • A Guard Officer in the Trade Quarter boasts about how lucrative it is to turn in Scoia'tael supporters: "Capture? One need only identify a nonhuman collaborator."

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